It’s common for seniors to be driving around with small children in the car, whether they are grandchildren, nieces, or nephews.

But those grandparents, great-aunts, and great-uncles may not go through the same safety measures that the child’s parents did when having a car seat installed or taking child-safety classes.

Therefore, it’s important to go over car safety tips for young children that go beyond the car seat.

Triboro Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has five points that all drivers should be aware of in order to keep kids safe while in their vehicle.

  1. Seat Belts

If a small child is in a car seat, the seat belt should not be an option; the seat belt should be securing the car seat, which has its own seat belts. When they are old enough to use a regular seat belt, they should be taught that it’s not a toy and it should remain where it is when buckled.

  1. Heat Dangers

All too often, an otherwise responsible person can be distracted or simply forget that a child may be in the car—especially if they are asleep in a rear-facing car seat. This mistake can have tragic and deadly consequences, so it’s vital to remember to check the car seat every time you leave the vehicle. For an additional reminder, you can keep a toy in the car seat and then move it to where it will be visible in the front seat when the child is in the car.

  1. Choking

In addition to keeping choking hazards in the vehicle away from small children, it’s recommended that kids 3 or younger not be given snacks unless there is someone else in the backseat to supervise.

  1. Windows

Children love buttons, and they can get into trouble by playing with the power windows—namely, closing the window on their finger, hand, or wrist. Be sure to keep the window controls locked from the driver’s seat.

  1. Loose Objects

Give your car a once-over for loose objects like umbrellas, phones, purses, and other bags. These can become projectiles in a crash and can easily injure a small child.


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